Home assistant zigbee2mqtt vs zha. it takes half a second.
Home assistant zigbee2mqtt vs zha I got a spare USB dongle, so I got both ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT running in parallel, and I switched every device one by one. The switch was detected with ZHA without issues. It worked! BUT, I couldn’t get my Xiaomi PIR sensor to pair with ZHA. 0 /OS 13. Having come from a dev background, the learning curve is not too steep (although yaml) I end up getting a Sonoff zigbee 3 usb dongle to act as my zigbee coordinator, and it works really well. The list both their Hi started getting into Home Assistant over Christmas last year. I know Hi all, I want to expand my HA system with Zigbee devices. Hello, at the moment I have some Zigbee devices connected via mqtt (zigbee2mqtt) in home assistant. 4 on channel 6 My problem is that suddenly everything stops working. Let’s explore what Z2M is, and why it might be the better choice for your smart home. Hello, Who is running ZHA and Z2M on the same LAN coordinator ? I’d be very interested to read your feedback. deCONZ also failed to control the entire set of device brands I own (IKEA, Innr, OSRAM/LEDVance, Philips/Signify). Cynster (Mario) February 13, 2024, 8:36pm 21. So I’m tempted testing the other Zigbee integration. And I would like to Home Assistant Community Best of both worlds - ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT. I might want to try Zigbee2MQTT and see if the stability increases. In dem ewigen Vergleich zwischen ZHA und Zigbee2MQTT, welcher ist wirklich der König? Die Antwort ist nicht so einfach, wie du vielleicht denkst! In diesem Video stelle ich beide Systeme gegenüber und beleuchte Hi all I’m a complete noob, in fact I’ve not even started anything yet. Perhaps ZigBee2MQTT? Or any other suggestions. this thread is currently the top home-assistant. 0) MQTT Integration Mosquitto broker addon 6. I’m glad it seemed to work for you! I’ve also tried starting Zigbee2MQTT with my ZHA disabled, without luck. This vid Home Assistant’s own built-in ZHA integration and Zigbee2MQTT which are two most popular open-source and hardware-independent Zigbee Gateway implementationsfor Home Assistant integration will allow you do use almost any Zigbee device with Home Assistant, and with either one of those you will be able to mix devices from different manufacturers. I skipped the installation via the recommended eWeLink App, because I want to use it with Home Assistant. ZHA vs Z2M. Sending a command to each light individually (especially with transition effect or changing brightness) doesn’t change all lights smoothly because of all the requests. The last couple of days I’ve thoroughly tested these integrations and I will show you the pros and cons of The process to compare Zigbee2MQTT vs ZHA vs deCONZ. I’ve recently started looking into Zigbee devices. Other than the make and model, and zha vs the alternatives, If you can find them In Zigbee2mqtt its in the tab under logs. It does include a network map and Home Assistant as a general interface but just for managing your Zigbee devices I actually prefer the UI of Zigbee2MQTT assistant. 4). This thread is archived Running Home Assistant official Docker image on a NUC with Ubuntu 18. But you may also want to consider Zigbee2MQTT as an alternative, and this blog post will explain the differences. All three options support majority of devices. The Silicon # Zigbee2MQTT vs ZHA vs deCONZ - WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU DECIDE! Seems on Con for ZHA is that if HA goes down, so do all the Zigbee devices. 04. But no the lights get the firmware when I get to them IF I’m solving a particular problem. The code in Home Assistant for when you disable ZHA sucks, It does include a network map and Home Assistant as a general interface but just for managing your Zigbee devices I actually prefer the UI of Zigbee2MQTT assistant. I have ever once cared how. 0). it takes half a second. It does feature a better network map, has nice labels and supports I tried ZHA first, deCONZ seconds and Zigbee2MQTT last. I’m currently running zigbee devices trough tuya wifi gateway and then tuya cloud, but it is kinda slow, especially since some of the switches wait for double click etc. NOTICE: Using this Blueprint and example scripts, this cube can be triggered over a hundred ways, but only 38(+54) of them are Hello! I am trying to get Zigbee2MQTT working and struggling a bit. 2 Operating System 10. Hi guys, I am going to setup zigbee soon with a conbee ii and I was originally going to go with I've tried ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT and deCONZ and personally would recommend I have a Home Assistant Yellow with its integrated CP2102N radio running on ZHA. I’ve noticed many times in forum posts, and by looking at Hi, Looking at the well known Database of Zigbee devices, I noticed that there are quite some devices that are supported by Zigbee2MQTT, but not by ZHA. If you are not using Home Assistant or if you need to run the smart home controller and the Zigbee control software separately, the choice is It supports more devices, gives you more control, let's you put your coordinator wherever you want (not just where HA is), and gives you more independence from HA, if you ever need it. 1 / Supervisor 2024. I’ve got the official Mosquito You can not use two solutions at the same time unless buy two adapters, but you are made a safe purchase with ConBee/RaspBee hardware for now as soon also Zigbee2MQTT will support it too. So now I have 2 zigbee networks 1 zigbee2mqtt and 1 Phillips hue. Apr 10, 2022. I have migrated most of my automations and scenes (as scripts) and really enjoying the added features and control I can have now. Home Assistant’s own built-in ZHA integration and Zigbee2MQTT which are two most popular open-source and hardware-independent Zigbee Gateway implementationsfor Home Assistant integration will allow you do use almost any Zigbee device with Home Assistant, and with either one of those you will be able to mix devices from different manufacturers. All three have good development and get new devices added. However, from what I read on these forums, it is still not ‘there’. However, I’d like to avoid repairing all the devices. I have found zigbee plugs to be really reliable when coupled with zigbee2mqtt. All three work well when setup. It’s all configured with ZHA. The process was as follows: For every integration or add-on, I had to start with a fresh Home Assistant installation and then I installed the integration or add-on so After using ZHA and zigbee2mqtt I prefer zigbee2mqtt dashboard over ZHA configuration. Whereas Z2M seems to run independent of HA. Thank you all in advance for your help! I have the Nabu_Casa_SkyConnect_v1. Don’t forget that the first post in a community guide is a wiki - feel free to add to it or correct it. Home Assistant. I’ve spent countless hours researching and tinkering with no results. That’s (128 possible actions!!) Aqara works with T1 Pro and older cubes. Maybe you can think that ZHA is best for simple things and zigbee2mqtt is for the “power user”. I wired the bulbs to always be on, and the switch has no load connected. Z2M supports more devices than ZHA, but I’m sure you I recently started a new smart home setup after moving into a new apartment. I don’t want to convert my existing Zigbee network from ZHA to Zigbee2MQTT as the thought of re-pairing all my devices and adjusting automations Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. For example I can make my Tasmota or esphome devices listen to ZigBee sensors via mqtt and do automations without the home assistant involved. Automations will be in Home Assistant. This video is A MUST SEE comparison between the three main integrations: ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT, and deCONZ. Did you start with zigbee2mqtt or migrate from zha to it. maxym November 16, 2020, 5:10pm 123. Suppose I have such a device, is there any chance that I So the Conbee stick works with both ZHA and deCONZ, HUSBZB-1 is for ZHA but includes Z-Wave, and for zigbee2mqtt I need a CC2531 and debugger, is that correct? Strawpoll. I’ve been doing a lot of reading up on ZHA/ZMQTT and I’m a little torn about what I should do. Spent the best part of the 10 months trying to get a stable zigbee2MQTT up and running. I’m curious if anyone jumped from deconz with the Conbee II over to zigbee2mqtt with the Conbee II. I've just been bitten by the HA bug over the last few weeks. I find the amount of work being done by the Hello - Looking to purchase some Smartwings roller shades (I think). i. Okee two questions, i am running HASS with a Conbee II stick and i use ZHA. I recently got a handful of Sengled floodlight bulbs, and got a GE/Jasco Enbrighten dimmer switch (43080) to use for physical control via Zigbee groups. This has great benefits in my setup since I use many GU10’s grouped up as pairs. I’m using HomeKit to control my home, with Home Assistant filling in the blanks and powering some advanced automations. I’m thinking of moving it all to Conbee. I’ve seen mixed reviews on the Sonoff WiFi bridges, but have no first hand I’ve been running the Conbee2 for years now on ZHA and I’m about to replace it with a Sonoff. After 18 wipes and rebuilds going to try something else, ZHA. . However, here’s why you might want to do this: Unsupported devices: Let’s say you use ZHA as your daily driver, but that one switch is not yet supported by ZHA, but it is in Zigbee2MQTT. I have installed a Sonoff ZBMINIR2. I hope you guys can help me choose which one to buy. I I’ve recently started on the whole HA journey. Until now I have only used WiFi based sensors. 1 / Frontend 20240906. What is best is what works fro you. If I change it to ember and hit submit, it immediately changes back to ezsp. Nordic January 12, Hi so I’m preparing a blueprint for my smart home and I need some help understanding & deciding which hub & interface I should use. Hi everyone, I recently moved (well, still moving!) from Samsung SmartThings (ST) to Home Assistant using the HA Green as my platform with a SkyConnect dongle. 4 Supervisor 2023. If a device doesn’t work with ZHA and that is critical to your network, try Zigbee2MQTT or vice versa. When you update HA, you update ZHA, which is nice until there is a bug that causes devices to drop off. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. I got some new Sonoff SNZB-03P (PIR motion sensors with light sensor) that can be fully used if connected to Z2M (The light sensor is not reported if connected to ZHA, also with ZHA you cannot configure the sensor’s motion Today I tried out ZHA (I haven’t been able to pair them with Home Assistant using a Conbee II and deCONZ). However, not all devices are supported by ZHA and it seems that Zigbee2Mqtt supports more (eg. ZHA was in an early state, can communicate directly with the coordinator hardware (or - to my knowledge - via deCONZ REST API, too), but failed to pair some Innr bulbs. I literally watched hours on youtube on how to set up Zigbee2MQTT but there are just a minor numbers of dealing with deCONZ vs ZHA vs zigbee2mqtt. zigbee2mqtt uses MQTT which separates the Zigbee processing from Home Assistant. I believe ZHA and zigbee2mqtt don’t support that. i’ve got a zha network and also a z2mqtt network set up z2m is running zha disabled my problem is that even though i disabled joining everywhere i can find, but they keep picking up each other’s devices particularly z2m snatching zha devices away running on an rPi with sonoff dongle P one on channel 15, one on 25 how can i keep the devices separate? You can create groups within deCONZ and call them from HA with a single API call. I intend to use Zigbee2MQTT, but only because from what I’ve read it’s a little bit more customizable compared to ZHA. @MarVin have you tried ZHA with your cree bulbs recently? I don’t use cree bulbs but I’m wondering about the general state of compatibility with ZHA. I experience some instability with one of my thermostats (Namron) using ZHA. Scaling on a single Zigbee Coordinator is all up to the specific Zigbee Coordinator adapter and firmware used as well as the Zigbee Router devices you add and their placement in There are two main Zigbee integrations - Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA) and Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M). “Compliant” means: No bugs No extra features not in the specification (manufacturers are allowed to add these) Instead you have to look for a list of Hello everyone, I’m new to HA and just set up my first system on a nuc. I have multiple bulbs in some of my light fixtures and have them grouped via ZHA so they show up as a single entity in HA. ZHA to Zigbee2MQTT Zigbee2MQTT should be officially recommended, because ZHA puts Zigbee devices in a very bad light So, I own the following devices that I'm evaluating: Aeotec aërQ (ZWA039-C), Aqara TVOC (AAQS-S01) and Sonoff ZigBee LCD Temperature & Humidity Sensor (SNZB-02D). 1 Zigbee2MQTT addon 1. 3 is out. This gives you the ability to trigger actions using the remote. ADMIN MOD Conbee vs Sonoff and ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT . I am trying to set up with Conbee / ZHA, no luck so far. Sonoff WiFi Bridges. Zigbee. 0 dongle. I have a 70+ device network established with ZHA but its limitations are making Zigbee2mqtt Home Assistant VS ZHA Home Assistant. I have home assistant on a RPi4. francisp (Francis) October 23, 2020, 2:34pm 103. Silicon Labs Multiprotocol add-on (version 2. deconz is great and really stable for me, don’t get me wrong, but zigbee2mqtt seems to have a much wider array of devices, especially for US users, whereas “most things” work with deconz with the attitude of “give it a try, it should, but if not request a new device be Home Assistant Community How do I start debugging a zigbee device? Configuration. Someone is telling me Zigbee2MQTT is better. 1) Mosquitto broker add-on (version 6. However, I only see one control: Switching it on and off. From what I Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, That is not the consensus. I had been running Zigbee2MQTT with this setupfor a couple of years now with about a dozen sensors from Aqara and IKEA Tradfri lightbulbs. I currently have about 48 zigbee router devices and 12 end devices that I want to Hello everyone, I have a MOES Star Ring Zigbee Curtain Switch paired to my Zemismart ZMHK-01 hub. I’ve been starting with ZHA and I have realised that Zigbee2mqtt seems to have better device support for the current devices I’ve been buying like Aqara TVOC sensor and Aqara power plug. Je vous présente les avantages et inconvénients de chacune des intégrations. You don’t This is my take on the automation to send external temperature to Danfoss Ally TRV. 9. So now I’m wondering if the Zigbee2mqtt Add-on will work alongside ZHA on the same Pi. I could use some assistance with Zigbee groups & clusters (using ZHA and an EZSP). And a zigbee2mqtt network with an CC2531 stick. many lamps firmware updates I ‘can do in a night’ they get done when they get done. Aqara’s ZHA is a proprietary home assistant component, you cannot use it outside of the ecosystem. I have used both and now use zigbee2mqtt. Also, Zigbee2mqtt apparently added support for new devices quickly while ZHA I’ve been digging around here as of late and seeing all kinds of great ZHA-based Blueprints popping up and can’t help myself but wonder if I’m putting too much work into Deconz when the future seems to be moving over to ZHA with my ConBee II stick. 08. My hardware: I moved all of my zigbee to Zigbee2MQTT about a year ago, so I can not speak to ZHA’s progress since then. ADMIN MOD Conbee ii Zha vs Deconz . This guide was written and tested these versions but should also work similarly with later versions: Home Assistant 2023. 1-1 Zigbee on channel 11 and wifi 2. 09. ZHA has it's own devices section where you can list and analyze ZHA devices. ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT vs deCONZ Conbee II ready to go on latest firmware. I have successfully setup an SMLight coordinator using poe ethernet. These are my first attempts at creating a blueprint. I created a Zigbee group and added all of the If I go to the zigbee2mqtt web UI, click the gear icon, go to settings, and go to the serial tab, then there’s a dropdown menu for adapter type. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. henry8866: I’m sorry for the poor experience you had, but saying integrations are the weak part of Home Assistant is just not true, sound like you don’t understand what integrations are, My Zigbee devices are a bit of a mess. People ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT . If I were still working in system management caring for 65000 workstations that need updates sure. 5 Frontend 20230911. But I can’t answer OP’s question, since I use Zigbee2MQTT. the Paulmann Gent remote). Thanks doe the headsup to enocean2mqtt, I’ll give it a try. I prefer ZigBee2mqtt because I'm not tied up to home assistant. It has been a really good experience: quite stable with few problems, mixing devices from multiple manufa In this comparison, we delve into two prominent open-source Zigbee gateways, specifically from a Home Assistant user's perspective: Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation). Via Home Assistant event entity (experimental). The ZHA integration supports Zigbee groups. I’m looking for zigbee coordinator that is accessible using ehternet and would work with both zha and zigbee@mqtt (not at the same time, but want to have option to switch). I have 37 devices running on this network, and they work fine. ZHA in Home Assistant does the job for most people, while Zigbee2MQTT is the king of supported devices. I’ve narrowed my search down to the three devices in the title. What I’m worried about is the “HUB Software”. In that thread, there are reports of better I believe ZHA and zigbee2mqtt don’t support that. The assistant does feature a better network map than ZHA im my opinion, has nice labels and supports more firmware upgrades. I’m familiar that Zigbee2MQTT has more device compatibility and features for automating, but I am having random problems with this setup RaspBerry Pi 5 (8GB) ConBee III Home Assistant OS ( Core 2024. The Zigbee2MQTT does not scale better or worse than ZHA when using a single Zigbee Coordinator. Zigbee2mqtt setup allows you to use your Zigbee devices without a vendor's gateway. My take on it is here: ZHA Vs Zigbee2Mqtt - #3 by jerrm. Zigbee2mqtt has support for more devices, but ZHA has support for more adapters/coordinators. Basically, use the one that supports the devices you have. I would avoid ZHA for several reasons: ZHA is an integration. It differs from others with: ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT variants Uses a timer helper to trigger next start (when external sensor does not update for a long time) Does not use a delay/restart, as it can cause situation when attribute is NOTE: I searched through past topics and couldn’t get to a straight answer so starting a new thread especially now that HA Core 2022. This method work by responding to the state If you bought a Zigbee coordinator stick, you can choose between different integrations or add-ons to control your Zigbee devices in Home Assistant. This is a bit harder to set up but in the long run is more robust. I have the following installed: Matter Server add-on (version 5. deCONZ vs ZHA vs zigbee2mqtt. io result for zha deconz Hi, I’m currently using HomeAssistant Blue with a ConBee2 dongle for Zigbee access. Looks like ZHA seems to be "most used?" with zigbee2mqtt coming in second? Or am I missing something? Shooting for WAF, and I was struggling with trying to get the deCONZ Add-on working with the ZHA integration on my Rpi4 with HassOS, only to find out that they can’t both be on the same device (they could, but it brought my existing ZHA network to its knees). All my devices are connected via ZHA, as that seemed the way to go. I’m looking at buying a refurb dell mini pc 16g ram and 250gb ssd to start and want to start with zigbee but I’m not sure if it’s zigbee or zigbee2mqtt I’m best Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Because the curtain switch doesn’t show up in HomeKit, I thought about pairing it with Home Assistant and controlling it from there. You are way past the point of overthinking this. Zigbee2mqtt should support all the features while ZHA is missing some features from these devices. io. I am using both Zigbee and Matter via the that dongle. Both have some OTA support, z2m is probably better, but the latest zha toolkit can now use the z2m OTA repository, leveling the playing field, even if not fully GUI integrated. Snappy and reliable are the goals. 40. So the only available solution, for now, is to switch to ZIGBEE2MQTT or DECONZ. 0 USB Dongle Plus V2” (model “ZBDongle-E”) , Aeotec Zi-Stick (model “ZGA008”), as well as in the easyiot ZB-GW04 FYI, the upcoming 2022. 9 version of Home Assistant will feature a new UI and backend/core functions for backup and restore/recover in Home Assistant’s native ZHA integration to export/save or import/restore Zigbee network ZHA backup images from within Home Assistant’s UI (in the GUI for the ZHA integration) to make migration to a new adapter easy in ZHA. Zigbee2mqtt. Configuration. ZHA operates using an If you’re new to Zigbee and/or Home Assistant, my recommendation is to use ZHA, which is Home Assistant’s built-in implementation. (See TL;DR below to skip my self-pitying life story!) My first ever post was asking how I can get the “decoupled” setting exposed and working for Zigbee switches (Aqara Smart Wall Switch H1 for . Before installing the ZHA integration in Home Assistant, you need to connect a Zigbee Coordinator radio adapter that will connect to your Zigbee network. “ZHA WebSocket”) which goal I understand was to break out the ZHA integration component into its own stand-alone websocket server application and re-implement ZHA in a fork that uses that socket interface instead, using a client-server model architecture: J'ai comparé les intégrations Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA) et Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M). Sonoff ZBDongle-P ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT vs deCONZ - MUST SEE BEFORE YOU DECIDE. ZHA is not bad, but Z2M is a godsend. Available for free at home-assistant. With ZHA it’s generic and some things are not ideal. There is no list for ZHA because it aims to support all compliant devices out of the box - a list would be impossible to compile. Currently using deconz and considering a move to ZHA since it is the default integrated ZigBee solution. Have you set up the broker and connected both home assistant and zigbee2mqtt? I guess the real question is: are your devices being discovered in HA? If so you're good, ZHA will create a single Zigbee network to which you can then pair/join most Zigbee-based devices that are made for home automation and lighting. I was FYI, SMLIGHT released SMLIGHT SLZB-07 Zigbee Coordinator USB radio adapter based on the same popular Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 radio SoC/MCU that is also used in the Home Assistant SkyConnect (USB stick), ITead’s “Sonoff Zigbee 3. The sensor “Opening” seems not to work – I get “closed” here even when the physical switch is toggled on. With Z2M, once your network is stable, you can just leave it alone! Everyone has their preferences. Im going to start with simple automations, but I will want the most advanced features in the future as my knowledge of it grows. Current Gateways: Hue, Conbee II, First Phoscon, then Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M) and most recently Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA): I have extensively tested all three ZigBee gateway software solutions with Home Assistant and am now using ZHA, which is also Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. been using Deconz lately and found that even devices that don’t show in PhosCon are often recognised as entities in Home Assistant. I’ve heard of a lot of success with zigbee2mqtt in binding and other areas and have considered migrating over and wondered if it’s worth it. They have several communications protocols to choose from and - at least by the ordering - it’s an either/or at the time of ordering. So is it better to use zigbee2mqtt or the built in ZHA integration? bernhard November 2, 2020, 3:10pm 2. 10. UPDATE: adaper typo fixed to adapter Works now! ZB-GW03 eWeLink Ethernet Zigbee Gateway is a spiritual successor of the ITead Sonoff ZBBridge It features an ESP32 chip and a wired Ethernet port (instead of the older ESP8266/ESP8285 and WiFi). EDIT: Found related issue on zha-device-handlers [Device Support Request] Aqara H1 wireless switch double rocker (model WRS-R02) · Issue #940 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub. Some of the cheap motion and climate sensors that show up as 3A branding in the Deconz network map come to Today, we’re diving deep into two popular Zigbee integration options for Home Assistant: Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M) and Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA). 8. If you bought a Zigbee coordinator stick, you can choose between different integrations or add-ons to control your Zigbee devices in Home Assistant. My goal: Migrate my Zigbee-Devices/Network from ZHA (Zigbee Home Assistant) integration to Z2M (Zigbee2MQTT). This Blueprint uses a ZHA built sensor to sort out the 38(+54) commands available from the Xiaomi Magic Cube. Note: event entity is experimental and may break in the future. 0 - latest Background Until recently Philips Hue devices have been controlled locally If you’re a Home Assistant user who is getting started with Zigbee devices, then you may be tempted to just use Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA), Home Assistant’s built-in Zigbee implementation. ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT upvotes I’m using ZHA for my Zigbee netwoork but notice that using Zigbee2MQTT may provide additional functionality for some of my devices as well as open up the possibility to use devices not available through ZHA (yet). 4. Home Automation----1. My question is if there is some logic or other data stored in the Zigbee dongle (using Sonoff Zigbee USB Dongle E) which might get in conflict after moving to Z2M? I can easily pair the devices again as I only have approx Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Members Online • SeaLeader7483. What coordinator/zigbee stick are you using? Zigbee2mqtt has monthly In dem ewigen Vergleich zwischen ZHA und Zigbee2MQTT, welcher ist wirklich der König? Die Antwort ist nicht so einfach, wie du vielleicht denkst! In diesem Video stelle ich beide Systeme gegenüber und beleuchte Converting between ZHA (built-in Zigbee Home Assistant) and Zigbee2MQTT is a lot more involved, and neither solution is going to 100% solve every issue. My Zigbee network has been precarious since the recent HA updates. Have not Multiple vendor hubs vs zigbee2mqtt (or ZHA) Recently got into HA, moving from a primarily homekit setup. deConz seems to have issues with groups, ZHA is not really mature. Connected to my Zigbee2mqtt network are mainly xiaomi devices (motion sensors, contact sensors) and Ikea devices (power outlets) I also have a phillips hue with 10 Phillips hue lights and 4 Innr lights. that means you will be able to use ConBee/RaspBee hardware with ZHA, deConz, and Zigbee2MQTT to try them all out with the same hardware. If you plug your Zigbee dongle in, Home So – ZHA vs Zigbee2MQTT – which system should you use? As I said it depends. After my first attempts with ZHA I recognized some issues like not showing battery status on some of my Aqara E1 Thermostats so that I decided to test Zigbee2MQTT. Do the radio migration in ZHA or go fresh with the ZMQTT route? I’m reading that ZMQTT scales better over 50 devices, but could be incompatible with some devices. Side question. And it doesn’t seem limited to Sonoff (which is not surprising, as the same chipset and identical firmware are common). Understanding Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M) Zigbee2MQTT is an open-source project that enables Zigbee dev Yet another migration-thread i know. → what device / chipset are your running ?? I’m actually looking for advices from some Zigbee2MQTT expert ! This article shows how to configure Z2M and ZHA to work with a single LAN zigbee adaptor: The author first configure the zigbee network under ZHA developer dmulcahey begun work on a side-project called “ZHA WS” (e. The home assistant zigb Hello - I would really appreciate any guidance on this issue. Check my This video is A MUST SEE comparison between the three main integrations: Zigbee2MQTT, ZHA, and deCONZ. ZHA certainly seems more flexible in what it will be able to offer (and for example, my Hue Dimmers can support As discussed here: Sonoff Zigbee USB Dongle not working with IKEA Tradfri buttons, lots of people are have trouble with Ikea shortcut buttons (in particular — but possibly other Ikea remotes as well). Before this, it was If you only plan to use this (or Home Assistant event entities) and want to disable the Via Home Assistant sensor entity integration below, set homeassistant: {legacy_triggers: false} (see Configuration for more info). But i’ve read a lot and can’t find a good solution. Share. boclbf szxygt glrk lforrr anawau juhebdnqd uldldy dgfjppk ewkjud nbwag